Ideation Portfolio
Just a few of the brands we have worked with over the years.
Featured Projects
Our most current featured projects and marketing campaigns.
Ideation Marketing is the exclusive marketing partner to Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center, an 18-unit med spa franchise with over $16M in annual health and aesthetic sales. By support franchise and national brand marketing as well as representing 8-units in individual locations, Ideation is one of the leading agencies for med spa advertising and marketing.
Ideation Marketing is the exclusive merchandising partner for the #1 Netflix show. Ideation has created a comprehensive e-commerce solution spanning web, social media, PPC with email and texting solutions. In addition, Ideation Marketing is the brand management company for the global distribution merchandise.
From creation to execution, the Ideation team successfully branded, produced, managed operation as well as advertised with media buying, digital e-commerce for the $19m product. For three years, our media buying and fulfillment recognized record breaking sales as well as being recognized by the Moxie Award for direct response website and video campaigns.